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- Is my R&D project information safe?
We do not retain any information used in our online tools. We value your intellectual property and want to make sure you can make the most from your ideas. Please view our Privacy Policy. - Are the templates up to date?
All our tools include all AusIndustry and ATO legislation and guidelines for current R&D Tax Incentive Claims. - How far back can I claim?
Companies have 10 months after the financial year end to claim. - My accountant doesn’t have experience with R&D Tax Claims, what should I do?
If you are a business that intends to undertake a lot of R&D activities every year, finding an accountant familiar with the R&D tax provisions may be advantageous. Your accountant needs to ensure that the R&D Tax Schedule that accompanies the Company Income Tax Return is completed correctly and lodged with the Company Income Tax Return. It is also important that your accountant holds off lodging your Company Income Tax Return until your R&D Application has been lodged with AusIndustry and your registration number has been received. - Can you claim for R&D projects that go for more than one year?
Definitely. There is no set timeframe for projects to be completed. Companies have 10 months after financial year end to make their claim for costs and activities incurred in that financial year.